Hi there!  I’m Kristin and I live in the beautiful Seacoast town of Portsmouth, NH with my husband Matt and our rescue pup Charlie. I love the beach, my pup and candy!  During my spare time you can find me grilling with friends, fishing with my Dad or hiking with the hubby and Charlie! ( did I mention I love my pup?)

I was born with Spina Bifida and it was a BIG surprise to my parents!  My mother had a perfectly healthy pregnancy with no warnings. I’m sure you can imagine their surprise when the doctors whisked me away as soon as I entered the world!  It must be a lot like thinking your landing on a tropical island for the best vacation of your life and then the plane lands and you see volcanos, it’s freezing cold; total chaos. Well, good luck…. you have to stay and make due.

Well even with every “volcano” or chaotic event to come in my life, my parents held it together like champs.  I know it wasn’t easy for them (as it isn’t for any parent of a special needs child).  They were my rock and I couldn’t have asked for better!

Spina Bifida is not genetic, so you can say I was one of the lucky ones – I like telling people that.  I believe it to be true!  I have a less severe form of Spina Bifida in that I actually have full function of my legs – most people impacted are in wheelchairs.  However, my bladder and bowel functions are pretty much non-existent.  I also can not feel portions of my legs, feet and have had over 10 different corrective or other related surgeries related to SB (that’s nothing compared to most with SB).

I’m still navigating life with Spina Bifida and it certainly has it’s ups and downs.  I believe I wouldn’t be dealt something I can’t handle, and this just makes me a stronger woman… It makes me Spina-Beautiful!